dBag • 7 mars 2020 00:34:30 Stort tack för ditt musikarkiv!
Det var till mycket stor inspiration under 90-talet som nybliven tonåring när jag och mina 4096 finnar i pannan trackade på en Atari 1040 STe. Idag är det inte bara jag som "vill ha körv" utan även mina söner.
Än en gång — tack för din närvaro i mitt liv sedan 1994.
groda • 24 september 2019 17:23:22 Vad heter du mer än Dan hehe Haha.. Banan! ;) 25 september 2019 07:54:27
Sandor • 19 augusti 2019 21:47:51 Mycker bra
krazyminer • 15 februari 2019 22:40:32 Hello Dasse!
It is great to see people giving credit to fantastic games such as Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy, Blagger and Son of Blagger. After getting the ORIC release, I thought I had completed my original 8-bit Manic Miner collection, but I see you have found a Tatung Einstein release!
I am now desperately looking for it, too. I am missing some re-releases, to be sure, but I think I got all the original 8-bit releases except for Einstein!
I just wrote a small tutorial for getting Tatung Einstein emulation running on Fedora Linux and playing Manic Miner:
I also included a link to your page. Take care, man!
Best regards, krazyminer
Hi krazyminer ! Thanks for the nice comment! :) Yeah , I love so many different genres and I collect even Alice in Wonderland :) Tatung versions are VERY hard to find. I found mine from a private seller so last I saw those at ebay was like 10 years ago. Thanks again for the link too! Will do the same back of course! :D
Regards, Dasse 25 februari 2019 08:06:29
Ganjaman • 13 februari 2019 18:42:41 Nice collection, Blagger and all! :-D Peace & rock 'n roll!
Greetings, Ganjaman
Thank you very much! :) Peace & Frogs!
Cheers, Dasse 13 februari 2019 19:12:06
steffe_616@hotmail.com • 8 februari 2019 16:32:58 När blev Säter en stad?
Haha.. det var en stad en gång i tiden iaf.. ;) 13 februari 2019 19:11:39
Adrian Grubb • 1 augusti 2016 02:57:10 I had a quick look in my collection and found these you don't have shown. There's Jet Set Willy (Armati - Italy only) - MSX, Four Great Games (JSW) - Atari, They sold a Million (Erbe, Clam Case) - Amstrad, They sold a Million - C64 disc, two Zafiro Hit-Pak/6-Pak (Spanish release. Large clam case) - one C64, one Amstrad, and the Amstrad CPC Four Pack with Everyone's a Wally and American Football in place of Binky and Karl's Treasure Hunt. You should really add Henry's Hoard to your Misc collection with it using the JSW engine. There are some more for Spectrum and such but will have to dig them out. I love the hunt and adding Willy from around the world - gotta catch 'em all, haha.
Keep up the great work, Dasse :D
Thanks for the info! Really cool :) Yes, I will add Henry's Hoard to that list :) really nice game even its a "copy" ;) Haha.. yes but it sounds kind of nasty at the same time haha..
Good luck yourself Adrian! :) 12 augusti 2016 08:41:27
Adrian Grubb • 14 juli 2016 21:53:49 It's been just over a year since I left my last message, but I've visited your great site from time to time to pick more targets, haha. I'm still going strong and have acquired a fair few Miner/Jet Set versions you don't have, but I've no spares I could trade as of yet. I managed to get Matt's (Smith), Steve's (Wetherill) and Derrick's (P. Rowson) signatures on games also... and still the Oric Miner eludes me, lol :)
Hello again!
Wow, which versions ? :) That sounds great! Its really nice to have signs from the authors as well! :D haha and I thought that was a really easy to find, I dont know why I thought that! but maybe there was more of them a couple a years ago :)
Cheers man!
/Dasse 25 juli 2016 14:45:39
ron RW • 23 oktober 2015 20:12:54 Thank You for your site, i'd like it, good pictures and good information. You can see many of the versions of your software on our web site www.retrowiki.es We just like retrocomputing. Have fun and thanks
Hello ! and thank u 2 ! You have a great site , lots of good stuff! :) 30 oktober 2015 00:52:27
Adrian Grubb • 21 juli 2015 22:44:29 Oric not so hard? Yeah, right, it's like banging my head against a brick wall, haha. And the same goes for the Atari... sweet nada! Can you believe I've actually had more luck with the Einstein, got a lead on both double packs! Great site, I keep checking back to find my next target :D
Adrian Grubb • 11 juli 2015 02:22:43 No surprise that I can't see anything I have that you don't, haha. The only differences I note are that several of mine are sealed and my MSX JSW is the one that came without a Bee Card. I also have many tape label/inlay variants, collecting those keeps me on my toes! The ones I'm having most trouble finding are those for the Oric, Atari and, of course, the Einstein, doubt I'll ever find any for that apart from copies. Thank you in advance if you come across anything for me :). Hehe.. yeah I don't searched for sealed ones, I just hunt for every copy I don't have, but it's very nice with factory sealed copies! For Oric it's not so hard but it's almost impossible with the Einstein versions. I bought them from a private seller and the price was insane! haha..
Will absolute think about you if I find something ! :D
Cheers! /Dan 16 juli 2015 20:58:24
Adrian Grubb • 6 juli 2015 12:37:26 Just wow! Your Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy and Jet Set Willy II collection is absolutely astounding! I thought I'd amassed an impressive assortment but now realise I've barely scratched the surface. I take my hat off to you, sir. PS Any spares you have to sell to help with my own collection would be greatly appreciated :)
Thank you so much for the nice words! :) yeah, I have collected MM, JSW since around 2004 I think, but now its more difficult to find something I don't have :) Maybe you have some odd version I dont have? ;)
I don't have any spares now but will think about you, if I catch something for ya!
/Dan 8 juli 2015 10:20:58
Naz • 26 maj 2015 13:52:00 Hi, I couldn't believe it myself because all the information I had was that it was never made for the spectrum but he sent me a picture. Yes I was shocked when i saw it. I was into spectrumsthen and wanted everything spectrum related but could not find anyone else who had it. Although if memory serves me well he said that only 2/3 tapes existed before micropowwer went under according to a former micropower employee. If you want I can check my old emails so you can contact him but I doubt I have it as it was a while ago. Never say never as I have some originals of games that were either lost or deemed not to exist. But these days I have stopped collecting and am into preservation. Le me know if you want his details. cheers
Haha.. It's so cool ! :) I love stories like that! Yeah, you can send him a message and ask him about some pics! would be awesome!
Cheers! /Dan 3 juni 2015 15:20:16
Naz • 24 maj 2015 23:36:40 Its claimed that the spctrum version of mines of terror was not released but I am sure a came across someone on the net who has a copy. If memory serves me correct he sent me a picture of the cover about a year ago. Maybe it was a prerelease? I don't know. So once you get this version I think you will have the full set. Well done!
Are you sure about that? I have not read anywhere that it was released at all, even not a demo, but you never know :) It's a special world out there! :D 25 maj 2015 13:06:23
Naz • 24 maj 2015 23:29:43 How did you manage to get in contact with this employee?
Google is our friend :) I don't know exactly what I wrote but I am happy I found it! :) 25 maj 2015 13:07:37
Hello Naz!
I bought it directly from one former employee at Micropower :) 13 maj 2015 21:14:12 Abdulla • 10 september 2013 14:25:34Hur mycket kosta ?
Ske • 3 september 2013 15:15:18 Hi, I do not know if you're looking for it, seing you have the tape release, but I have an Alligata "Fistful of Fun" C64 disk version available. Regards
Hello "Ske" :)
Cool! how much for it? :)
You can contact me thru my mail ollekarlsson_ 274 @ hotmail. com (remove the spaces as you well know) :) 4 september 2013 17:50:54
CPC Code : part 2 • 25 november 2012 12:16:50 (slightyly modified: with extra information. Feel free to use)
You commented (as do most people) that the CPC version of Jet Set Willy was expanded to use the extra memory. As a programmer I have always been baffled by this statement. I will try to explain why... The spectrum has 48k of memory of which the screen is about 7k leaving 41k to write code in. The CPC (Amstrad) has 64k of memory with 16k of screen leaving 48k to write code in. But all the graphics take up twice as much memory and the extra memory is need to accommodate the expanded graphics plus the Kernal/operating system was left intact and this fills most of the high memory . The reason the Amstrad version had more rooms was because the programmer decide to fix the bugs in the original layout and because of his better coding was able to fit more rooms in. This is obvious because the same data compression and code was used to fit the game back into the spectrum. The game was expanded through using a better algorithm and NOT because the Amstrad had more memory.